A Wrapper For Numpy Arrays Providing Named Axes, Interpolation, Iteration, Disk Persistence And Numerical Calcs

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M_Pool wraps multidimensional numpy arrays to provide the following features:

#. MatrixPool objects contain related Axis and Matrix objects
    - MP = MatrixPool(name='N2O4_MMH')

#. Axis objects are added by name and interpolation transform (used to linearize interpolation)
    - epsAxis = Axis({'name':'eps', 'valueL':[10., 20., 30., 40., 50.], 'units':'', 'transform':'log10'})
    - pcAxis = Axis({'name':'pc', 'valueL':[100.,200.,300,400], 'units':'psia', 'transform':'log10'})
    - mrAxis = Axis({'name':'mr', 'valueL':[1,2,3], 'units':'', 'transform':''})

#. Matrix objects added by name
    - M = MP.add_matrix( name='cea_isp', units='sec', axisNameL=['eps','pc','mr'] )

#. Find interpolated minimum or maximum
    - interpD, max_val = M.solve_interp_max( order=3, method='TNC', tol=1.0E-8)
        - where interpD and max_val look something like:
        - interpD = {'pc': 225.00641803120988, 'eps': 34.991495018803455, 'mr': 1.7499612975876655}
        - max_val = -0.000155216246295

#. Disk-based persistence
    - Save to pickle or hdf5 file
        - MP.save_to_pickle() # saves MP to "N2O4_MMH_matrix.pool"

#. Built-in statistics (standard deviation, median, mean/average, sum, minimum, maximum
    - M.get_range()
    - M.get_ave()
    - M.get_mean()
    - M.get_std()
    - M.get_median()

#. Interpolation on axes with named values
    - interp_val = M.interp(order=2, pc=100, eps=20, mr=2.0)
    - Uses transformed axes to help linearize interpolation

#. Iterate over matrix
    - for indeces,D,val in M.full_iter_items():
        - gives something like:
        - (0, 0, 0) {'pc': 100.0, 'eps': 10.0, 'mr': 1.0} 111.0
        - (0, 0, 1) {'pc': 100.0, 'eps': 10.0, 'mr': 2.0} 112.0
        - (0, 0, 2) {'pc': 100.0, 'eps': 10.0, 'mr': 3.0} 113.0
        - ...

Indices and tables